The Holiday Season is upon us, why not treat yourself to an early Christmas present that will refresh your look just in time for the dreaded visit from the relatives. Here are eight options from Jamachi Plastic Surgery to help you get ready in time for all of the holiday festivities.


Botox prevents the formation of fine lines and wrinkles and diminishes the appearance of lines you already have. You’ll get immediate results with no downtime. The treatment takes 10 to 15 minutes and results last up to 5 months!

Enzyme Peels

Enzyme peels rejuvenate the skin’s surface by creating an even and controlled shedding of several layers of skin cells. It exposes new, undamaged layers of skin that are softer and smoother with more even skin tones. It also stimulates the dermis to create new skin cells, collagen and elastin, which support and tighten the surface of your skin.


Looking for a smoother complexion, GLYTONE offers customized treatment concepts to help you get the results you’re looking for. Jamachi offers these at-home GLYTONE skincare products:

  • GLYTONE Step-Up – improves skin’s texture.
  • GLYTONE Acne Cream – treats acne in hard places to reach and troubled skin in general.
  • GLYTONE Clarifying System – helps reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation, sunspots, fine lines and wrinkles.


With one treatment the smooth gel filler, Juvéderm, will smooth away wrinkles around your mouth and nose.  After treatment bruising will last a few days but the natural-looking effects will last up to a year.

Laser Hair Removal

If you are heading somewhere warm for the holidays skip the monotonous routine of shaving or waxing by scheduling an appointment for laser hair removal. After undergoing treatments you won’t have to worry about ingrown hairs, shaving bumps, and most importantly unwanted hair. 

Laser Spider Vein Treatment

Are you suffering from spider veins? With Jamachi’s laser treatment for spider veins you can relieve your symptoms, prevent possible health complications and improve your skin’s overall appearance. The best part of the procedure is that there is no recovery, you can continue your normal activity after each treatment. 


If you want a head start on your “Get Fit” resolution, liposculpture is the answer. Liposculpture restores and re-contours your body by safely removing or transferring fat from problem areas.  Normal activities may be resumed in 1 to 2 weeks. 


Want a non-surgical way to freshen and rejuvenate the skin, Microdermabrasion is what you need! As a less aggressive approach to dermabrasion the technique is used to treat light scarring, discoloration and sun damage and stretch marks. Microdermabrasion also helps to thicken your collagen, which results in a younger looking complexion.